Tips For Avoiding Oil Stains On Clothing During And After A Massage

If you've ever splashed oily salad dressing on your clothing, it's likely annoyed you because you know that you'll need to spot clean the garment before it goes in the laundry. For those who work as massage therapists, it's a never-ending effort to keep oil stains off not only their own clothing but also that of their clients. It's important to enact some plans that will limit the risk of oil touching anyone's clothing. Don't look for the shortcut of using less oil, as the friction it provides in moderate to high amounts is integral to the massage client's comfort. Here are some tips for avoiding problematic oil stains on clothing.

Move the Client's Clothing Away

Although many massage-therapy clients will undress to their underwear before getting onto the table, not everyone will. If you're working on a client who has remained partially dressed, you need to have a plan for keeping the clothing away from where you're working. Before you get oil on your hands, roll or push the garment away from the target area and don't be afraid to cover the clothing with a small towel, perhaps folded under the clothing to stay in place. If you need to further adjust the clothing after you get oil on your hands, wash your hands or use a vinyl glove.

Wipe the Client Down

You don't want to finish a massage in which the client is covered in oil, and then leave the room immediately so that he or she can get dressed. The result will be oil stains on the inside of the client's clothing, and this issue can lower his or her satisfaction with the treatment. Instead, keep some soft towels on hand for wiping down the client's skin. You want each part of the body that you treated to be dry before the client gets dressed.

Stand, Don't Lean

In addition to keeping oil away from your clients' clothing, you'll want to plan to protect your own clothing. One way that you can inadvertently get oil on yourself is when you lean against the client, even to a small amount. This may occur if you're reaching across the back of a client who has a bigger frame, for example. Try to get into the habit of standing rather than leaning and, whenever necessary, re-position your body so that you can stand with your thighs against the edge of the table but not lean any closer to the oily client.

To learn more, talk to companies like Massage TJ Spa.
