Advice For Giving Your Chair Massage Clients A Satisfying Treatment In Five Minutes
If you work as a massage therapist at a place like Chris Teeple Muscle Specialist, one of the methods that you might use to attract new clients is to offer five-minute chair massages at a public event such as a local health care. Five minutes isn't a long time to convince those who partake in your treatment that they should schedule an appointment with you in the future, but the right approach can certainly show that you're skilled with your hands and are all about helping to reduce the client's aches and pains and promote relaxation. Here are some ways that you can give a satisfying chair massage in five minutes.
Determine The Client's Needs
Instead of sitting the client down on the massage chair and beginning to knead his or her back, you should always start by assessing the client's needs. Right away, this element will make the client feel as though you truly care about his or her well-being. While you don't want to spend too much of the five minutes talking instead of treating the client, just a handful of seconds can allow the client to indicate whether he or she wants light or deep pressure, hopes for a treatment to ease sore muscles or promote relaxation, and any other feedback that is helpful.
Concentrate On The Massage, Not Selling Your Services
One of the ways that you can potentially turn off the client is by talking about your services during the treatment. Even though you may be eager to convince the client to book a session with you, the constant chatter isn't conducive to relaxation. And, in fact, the client may fear that you'd talk for the entirety of the massage if he or she were to book one. Instead, concentrate on giving five solid minutes of massage with minimal discussion, and then feel free to discuss your services afterward.
Offer Some Feedback
Although you might not be able to get a comprehensive idea of the person's physical health in just five minutes, you may learn some things that you can share with the client at the conclusion of the chair massage. For example, if you notice that his or her upper back is tight, you might advocate changing his or her posture while seated at work or even getting out and exercising more. Depending on what physical issues you notice, you may even wish to show the client some stretches that can be practiced at home.